Table of Contents
Ownership and Outreach Committee
Get owners more involved and keep owners informed about board and LCGC activities.
Current Projects
- Monthly Training Series
- Chair and Co-Chair recruitment
- Seeding other LCG committees
Previous Projects
- Kelsey Voit kavoit7@gmail.com,
- Kirby van Lierop kirby.vanlierop@gmail.com,
- Elmedina Brkic elmedina.brkic01@gmail.com,
- Aletha Fields alethawrites@gmail.com,
- Dennisha Rivers dennisharivers@ymail.com,
- agape502@yahoo.com,
- Deana17610 deana17610@aol.com,
- Arte Chambers arte.chambers@gmail.com,
- “Marthanne F. Allman” allfitz74@gmail.com,
- “Gwendolyn L. Kelly” gifted63@aol.com,
- Judy Schroeder judys@iglou.com
This committee has yet to elect any chairs. Board member Judy Schroeder is acting as convener until the Committee can choose it's own Chair.
- Chair - Judy Schroeder (acting)
- Co-Chair - Vacant
- Board Rep - Vacant
Google Drive Folder
O+O working agenda
- Not started yet!
- Next meeting is being planned, Stay tuned.
Past Meetings
ownership_committee.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/13 01:16 by arte_chambers